Vancouver 3rd Branch Alumni Website
Now that the reunion is over and
the yearbooks are passed out, it doesn't mean we have to stop keeping in
touch. So we are keeping the website going and in the next few months you will
be able to find a number of resources to help you find past members, find out
about current news & updates for the Branch, and reminisce about old
times. This website is also for members of the Surrey 4th Branch and the Abbotsford (YSA) Branch, both of which were break-offs from Vancouver 3rd and were formed in early 2000. While you're waiting for the new features, why not join our mailing list, and chat with other branch alumni. It's free. v a n c o u v e r 3 @ h o t m a i l . c o m Copyright 1999-2000, Siever Resources. Webmaster |